Devices for Learning
All students in grades 7-12 are assigned a Chromebook to use as a learning tool. These devices will support classroom instruction. Students are required to adhere to the ISD 885 School Board Policy 524.
Parent/Guardian Expectations
- Parents/guardians and students are responsible for signing and returning applicable forms.
- The school will be offering an optional protection plan for accidental damage to the device. Families also have the option to Opt-Out and cover ALL repair costs. Intentional damage to a device will not be covered under the district protection plan and will be handled on an individual basis.
- The protection plan is to be paid online. Directions and access to pay online will be made available in July.
- Supervision is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility when their child’s internet use is not in a school setting.
- The school asks parents/guardians to support the proper use of electronic devices while at home.
- Parents/Guardians are encouraged to become familiar with the technology their child is using.
Student Expectations
- Students are expected to use their devices for educational purposes only.
- The device may only be used by the student to whom it was assigned. The student may not loan it to another student unless directed by the school.
- Students are expected to have their devices present and fully charged at school each day.
- Students are permitted to download any content approved or assigned by their instructors. If a family does not have adequate internet access at home, students should download the content before, during, or after school.
- Only appropriate materials that follow the Acceptable Use Policy (School Board Policy #524) will be allowed. The use of software or music that is not provided by the district must be legally obtained. The presence of inappropriate music, photos, or software may result in the loss of the device and/or other disciplinary action.
- Students are encouraged to store documents, worksheets, notes, and other files on Google Drive.
- Students must alert the media staff immediately if the device is malfunctioning. Students are not allowed to reconfigure the devices or software on the devices.
- Students will use their school-assigned password for their device. Students should not share any account passwords.
- All communication will go through the ISD 885 Google suite of applications or a teacher-approved method.
- For security and safety reasons, students will leave their device in a locked locker when they are not being used for educational reasons. The device should not be left unattended.
- All district policies apply even when off campus. (i.e. after school sports and activities.)
- Students must be given permission to take pictures and/or videos of any students and/or staff. Students may not post photos or videos on Social Media (Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) without the consent of the students and staff involved. Always respect the privacy of other students and staff.
- The device is subject to inspection at any time without notice and remains the property of ISD 885. Students must not circumvent any managed settings, hack, or otherwise attempt to inappropriately access the network or misuse a device.