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2023-2024 Walk Radius Boundaries and Payment Options

The district is excited to offer a paid option for families living within the walk boundaries of each school. More information will be sent in the first week of July.

The annual fee for one student is $200 and for two or more students the fee is $350.

Walk Zone Transportation Fee Instructions - one student

Walk Zone Transportation Fee Instructions - two or more students

Due to budget constraints, the walk radius for STMA schools will increase to one mile starting with the 2023-2024 school year. Busing will not be available to students within the one mile boundary. 

The following criteria were used in determining the walking boundary for each school. 

  • The home-to-school distance is within a one mile radius of each building.
  • Major streets and roads were used for boundaries, when possible.
  • Natural boundaries were used, such as parks, development borders, and cul-de-sacs.
  • Considerations were made for efficient bus routes through neighborhoods.
  • Entire streets were included, when possible.
  • City trails were considered walking paths to the schools.

Please refer to the walk boundary maps to see how these changes might affect your student(s). The areas inside the red boundaries will be the walking zones. 


Walk Boundaries