Lane Changes and Course Pre-Approvals
1. Lane changes are governed by the Certified Staff Master Contract. For the 2024-25 school year, this is in sections 6.4.3 - 6.4.5 of the contract. Where there is a conflict between information on this page and the currently in effect Master Contract--the Master Contract controls.
2. Applications for lane changes are accepted August 1 - September 15 (cycle no. 1) or January 1 - February 15 (cycle no. 2).
3. Lane changes approved following the September 15 deadline will be effective the following November 1 (and appear on the November 15th paycheck).
4. Lane changes approved following the February 15 deadline will be effective at the start of the following April 1 (and appear on the April 15th paycheck).
5. Application for a lane change shall be made to the office of the executive director of administrative services by submission of an official transcript of credits and the lane change application form. [Official transcripts are those sent through a secure electronic process, or by sealed envelope, directly from the university's registrar/electronic clearing house to Employee Services and do not pass through the student/employee before reaching their final destination.] Have your universities send electronic copies of transcripts directly to Angel Lussier, Employee Services Supervisor. Note on your lane change forms when and how transcripts were sent.
6. One lane change per cycle max.
7. Two lane changes per school year max. Teachers hired after May 2, 2022 also limited to a max of one lane change per school year for any post-Master’s lane changes (i.e. MA to MA 10, MA 10 to MA 20, and MA 20 to MA 30).
8. No retroactive application of lane changes.
9. Credits applied to a lane change must be earned after the date of hire.
10. Any credits applied to lanes beyond the MA lane must be earned subsequent to the earning of the Master's Degree.
11. Credits are to be used only once for a lane change.
12. For the purposes of acceptable credits, a “reputable institution” would include, but is not limited to, an institution that has been regionally accredited by an appropriate state or non-profit agency which commonly provides accreditation for higher education in the respective state and/or region.
13. Teachers are encouraged to seek pre-approval for coursework before they register to avoid a possible denial of use of credits for a lane change. Course pre-approvals may be requested by any Teacher and are valid for two years following approval by the superintendent and his/her designee.
14. See Master Contract for more requirements.