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Open Enrollment

Open enrollment is the period of time each year when eligible employees can choose or change their medical and dental insurance and elect flexible spending amounts for the upcoming plan year. Changes made during open enrollment are effective October 1.

St. Michael-Albertville Schools' 2024 benefits open enrollment period is September 3 - September 16.

Read on to learn more.

What's new with your medical and dental coverage?

  • NO CHANGE to overall plan designs. We will continue to offer the VEBA, HSA, hybrid, and MVP plans through BlueCross BlueShield and the Open Access dental plan through HealthPartners.
  • CHANGE to HSA and hybrid deductibles. The deductible for the HSA and hybrid plans has been increased by BlueCross BlueShield from $3750 to $4000.   
  • SHORT PLAN YEAR. This year's plan year will be October 1 - June 30; FSA/HSA maximum amounts will be pro-rated to account for a short plan year. Beginning July 1, 2025, our plan year will be July 1 - June 30 and future open enrollments will be held in the spring.
  • CHANGE to premiums. Medical and dental insurance premiums have increased for the 2024-2025 plan year. Please refer to the benefits cost summary for your employee group and FTE on our main benefits page or in the employee cost summaries section below.
  • Flexible spending enrollment is online. If you wish to use a medical and/or dependent care flexible spending account for the 2024-2025 year, you must enroll online through Benefitfocus.
  • Health savings account enrollment is online. If you are enrolled in the HSA, hybrid, or MVP medical plan and want to contribute to your HSA during the 2024-2025 year, you must enroll online through Benefitfocus. Your contributions do not automatically carry over.

How to Enroll or Change your Benefits

If you are currently not enrolled in the medical and/or dental insurance plan and wish to enroll, OR if you wish to add/drop coverage for your self or dependents you must enroll online through your Benefitfocus profile. To access Benefitfocus, click the waffle icon in the upper right corner of your district Google account and scroll down to the Benefitfocus link.

NOTE: You do not have to re-enroll in medical or dental coverage. Your medical and dental coverage will carry over from year to year. You must re-enroll in flexible spending and health savings accounts to add your contributions for the new year. These contributions do not carry over.

Employee Cost Summaries

For a detailed summary of the benefits you are eligible for, and any costs associated with them, please access the cost summary for your employee group and FTE from the list below.

Learn More about Your Benefits

To learn more about your benefits with the district, please click the links below to access the district's dedicated pages to these plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to open enrollment frequently asked questions below.


Contact Michelle Neu, Benefits and Leave Coordinator, at or 763-497-6578 ext. 5578 to learn more about your benefits and get your questions answered.

Employees also have access to Kevin Zachman, the district's benefits consultant, for assistance. Kevin may be reached at or 763-497-2430.