Meal Prices & Payments
Pre-Payment Options
Below are meal prices for the 2024-2025 school year. Students who choose to buy a single milk or a la carte items will be charged accordingly.
Breakfast Prices 2024-2025
Daily | 5 Days | 10 Days | 15 Days | 20 Days | |
All Students | Free | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Adult Guest/Staff | $2.65 | $13.25 | $26.50 | $39.75 | $53.00 |
Student Guest - 2nd Meals | $2.65 | $13.25 | $26.50 | $39.75 | $53.00 |
Milk | $0.50 | $2.50 | $5.00 | $7.50 | $10.00 |
Lunch Prices 2024-2025
Daily | 5 Days | 10 Days | 15 Days | 20 Days | |
All Students | Free | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Adult Guest/Staff | $5.00 | $25.00 | $50.00 | $75.00 | $100.00 |
Student Guest - 2nd Meals | $5.00 | $25.00 | $50.00 | $75.00 | $100.00 |
Milk | $0.50 | $2.50 | $5.00 | $7.50 | $10.00 |
A la Carte Purchases
A la Carte purchases at all sites will be charged directly to the student’s lunch account. It is your responsibility to discuss the dollar amount that you are allowing your child to use to purchase lunches or a la carte each day. A la carte offerings in the elementary and secondary sites are in compliance with School District Wellness Policy #533, and USDA Smart Snack Standards. Elementary Sites offer milk as an a la carte item and may be purchased on their first pass through the lunch line. Middle School and High School Sites offer a variety of a la carte items ranging in prices. Students may also purchase a second entrée or additional side items for an additional cost. The cost for a 2nd entree is $2.25 for all students.
Online Payments with MySchoolBucks
Online payments are a simple, safe, and secure way to add money to your student's meal account 24 hours a day at your convenience.
We are excited to provide you with a convenient and secure online payment service called mySchoolBucks. This website allows you to deposit money directly into your child’s meal account and view balance and purchase information for the past ninety days. By having money in each child’s account prior to entering the cafeteria, we find that the lunch lines move along much faster, which gives your child more time to eat and be with friends.
As an added convenience, you can have the option to have an e-mail reminder when your child’s meal account balance is getting low.
You may make prepayments to your child's meal account online anytime!
Send Cash or Check
You can always bring money personally or send it with your student. Please place it in an envelope marked clearly with your student's name, their ID #, their teacher's name, the money amount, and the check #. Turn in prepaid deposits to the cafeteria cashier(s) or school office.
If you choose to bring money to school personally or send it with your student, please put it in an envelope clearly marked with the student's first and last name, their ID #, their teacher's name, and the amount enclosed.
Angel Account Donations
St. Michael-Albertville Schools Food and Nutrition department maintains an Angel Account funded by donations.
Donations come from individuals, businesses, and charitable foundations. Many families donate the balance left in a student’s account when they graduate or leave the district.
Donations may be mailed or dropped off at:
St. Michael Albertville Schools
District Office Food Service
11343 50th Street NE
Albertville, MN 55301
Donations can also be made at any of the school kitchens. If you have questions about the Angel Account, please contact STMA Food Service Department at (763) 497-3180.
Thank you for your help in providing seamless support for our students.
Account Balances
If your student will not be returning to St. Michael Albertville School district next school year and your student(s) have a meal account balance, please call Food Service at (763) 497-3180, or email to request a meal account refund.