Local Literacy Plan
Local Literacy Plan
To support every child reading at or above grade level every year, beginning in kindergarten, and to support multilingual learners and students receiving special education services in achieving their individualized reading goals in order to meet grade level proficiency, a school district or charter school must adopt a local literacy plan that describes how they are working to meet that goal. A district must update and submit the plan to the commissioner by June 15 each year Minn. Stat.120B.12, subd. 4a (2023).The Local Literacy Plan must be approved by the Superintendent and posted to the district or charter school’s website annually.
The Local Literacy Plan provides an overview of how STMA staff will continually work to improve the academic achievement of all students by identifying needs, implementing research-based interventions through a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), engaging in on-going study and self-reflection to improve structured literacy instruction, and involving parents in a joint partnership to actively respond to the needs of our children. Evidence-based instruction that provides the basis for all students to read will help close the achievement gap and ensure that all students are ready for the demands of college and the workplace.
The purpose of this Literacy Plan is to provide an overview of how our dedicated STMA Staff will continually work to improve the academic achievement of all students by identifying needs, implementing research-based instruction, engaging in on-going study and self-reflection to improve the shared practice of teaching, and involve parents and the community in a joint partnership to stay actively responsive to the needs of our children.
This plan, like literacy, will develop over time.
Our STMA goal is to have every child reading at or above grade level every year, beginning in kindergarten, and to support multilingual learners and students receiving special education services in achieving their individualized reading goals in order to meet grade level proficiency.
- ALL students who are not meeting grade-level expectations will be provided equitable support to close the achievement gap and reach grade-level benchmarks.
- ALL students who are exceeding grade-level expectations will be provided equitable opportunities to challenge and increase learning.
- ALL stakeholders in the district will be informed of the efforts being made to ensure ALL our students will be reading at grade level.
View STMA's Local Literacy Plan
Provide feedback on STMA's Local Literacy Plan by taking this survey.
For more information, contact Shari Ledahl, Supervisor of Curriculum & Student Programming, at 763-497-6536.